Industry Applauds EU’s Investigation into Unfair Softwood Plywood Imports from Brazil

Industry Applauds EU’s Investigation into Unfair Softwood Plywood Imports from Brazil to Ensure Fair Trade Practices

All such Brazilian Imports to be Registered at EU borders

Brussels, 6th March 2025 – The Softwood Plywood Consortium (SPC) applauds the EU’s launch of a new anti-dumping investigation into unfairly priced Brazilian Softwood plywood imports, and the imminent registration at the border of all such imports to the EU. This timely decision is in response to a complaint filed by the SPC on behalf of 4 leading European softwood plywood producers.

Announcement to be find here: Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of Softwood plywood originating in Brazil

Imports of softwood plywood from Brazil have increased significantly in recent years, with Brazilian producers now surpassing EU producers as the primary suppliers of the EU market. With Brazil’s production capacity far exceeding total EU consumption, Brazil has become the world’s largest exporter of this product accounting for nearly half of all softwood plywood sold within the EU.

Brazil’s own market is contracting and restrictions in other markets, such as the United States, are causing Brazil to divert its excess production to the EU at totally unfair prices,” an SPC’s spokesperson said. “The concern is that Brazil is exporting at dumped prices, meaning Softwood Plywood is being sold at a price below its normal value in Brazil. This investigation is therefore crucial to ensure the future of the entire EU softwood plywood value chain, from forest owners, loggers and suppliers to producers.”

The investigation led by the European Commission will now examine whether Brazilian producers are indeed dumping softwood plywood in the EU, and what the consequences of those practices for European businesses are.

Under recent procedural changes, initiation of the investigation will automatically require all imports of Brazilian Softwood Plywood to be registered at EU borders. This will enable European customs officials to collect additional duties retroactively should they be imposed as a result of the Commission’s findings once this investigation is concluded.

SPC and its supporters are committed fully to cooperating with the European Commission to ensure a successful outcome for the industry and its workers.                 

About the Softwood Plywood (SPC) Consortium:

Established in 2024 as an ad hoc Consortium of leading EU producers of Softwood Plywood: the Czech Republic’s Wotan Forest, a.s., Finland’s UPM-Kymmene Oyj, France’s Thebault Group and Poland’s Paged Morąg S.A.

SPC leverages trade policy instruments to further its commitment to fostering a level playing field in the EU market that ensures fairness and sustainability in the EU Softwood Plywood industry.

#SPC #EUIndustry #FairTrade #Plywood #Sustainability

Jarosław Michniuk, CEO of Paged Morąg SA, a member of the Softwood Plywood Consortium (SPC), commented:

“Alongside China and Russia, Brazil is one of the three largest importers of plywood to Europe. Together, these three countries account for half of European demand for the product. I am pleased that the European Commission has recognised the problem of underpricing Brazilian plywood and has decided to analyse it in depth by initiating an official anti-dumping investigation today. I am also convinced of the effectiveness of the tools the Commission puts at our disposal in the fight for a fair and competitive market. Thanks to them, duties were introduced on Russian birch plywood in 2021, an anti-dumping investigation was launched last year against Chinese importers of hardwood plywood, and today’s proceedings bring the process to a close, protecting the European market. The fact is that in Brazil alone, Brazilian plywood is more expensive than in Europe. We are therefore counting on effective action by the Commission and on the positive outcome of this investigation.”

Jarosław Michniuk, CEO Grupy Paged

O Grupie Paged:

Założony ponad 90 lat temu Paged jest obecnie jednym z pięciu największych producentów sklejki i znaczącym producentem krzeseł drewnianych w Unii Europejskiej. Zatrudnia około 1700 osób i posiada łącznie pięć zakładów produkcyjnych w Polsce i Estonii. Oferuje innowacyjne rozwiązania i produkty, które znajdują zastosowanie w wielu branżach, takich jak: projektowanie wnętrz i wyposażenie wnętrz, budownictwo, transport i opakowania na blisko osiemdziesięciu rynkach na całym świecie. Od 2019 roku Paged rozwija i wdraża innowacje technologiczne i produktowe w oparciu o unikalne kompetencje własnego centrum badawczo-rozwojowego Paged LabTech.

Spółki należące do Paged: Paged Pisz, Paged Morąg, Paged Eesti, Paged Trade, Paged Meble, Paged LabTech, Paged Deutschland oraz BUK Ltd. to część Grupy Thumos, prywatnego, polskiego konsorcjum przemysłowo-inwestycyjnego.

Kontakt dla mediów:

Magdalena Kicińska,, tel.: +48 725520874
