Paged Softwood ThinPly FR

Fire retardant softwood plywood

Paged Softwood ThinPly FR - Specifications

Fire retardant softwood Plywood with pine outer veneers and mixed, hardwood-softwood core, treated against fire through an innovative treatmentwhich allowed to reach the highest fire classification rating for wood based panels in construction applications.

Paged Softwood ThinPly FR – Key benefits

  • Main application areas include housing, construction and prefabrication of houses and public buildings.
  • Made from high quality Pinus Silvestris pine veneers
  • Innovative surface impregnation
  • Ease to machine and fasten
  • Highest fire classification for wood products
  • Made in the EU from sustainably sourced wood

Paged Softwood ThinPly FR – Machining

  • Obróbka CNC zgodnie z zamówieniem klienta

Standard sizes - Paged Softwood ThinPly FR

standard sizes [mm]

2500×1250/1500  1500×3000

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